Price Match Guarantee

We work hard to keep the site up-to-date with competitive pricing for all of our products. If you happen to find another Authorized Dealer of a specific product listed on their website at a lower price, we will be happy to price match them.

Terms & Conditions:

  • Must be a product that we have listed on our website
  • Must be the exact item/manufacturer part number (color, size, etc.) listed on ours and the competitor's website.
  • We will only price match Authorize Dealers for the specific item(s)
  • New, unused product
  • Clearance, Closeout, Scratch-and-dent, type of items do not qualify
  • No additional discounts will be applied past the price match amount
  • No auction websites (eBay, etc)
  • We reserve the right to decline the request on a case by case basis
  • Shipping costs may be part of the considerations

Just fill out the form below and we'll get back to you ASAP!

Please provide the following in your comments:

  • SKU of the item that you would like to Price Match
  • A publicly available website link to the competitor's product page.
  • Your contact information